Monday, November 3, 2008


In the story called “ Aurora murder fugitive captured in Kansas" by Kirk Mitchell the author’s goal was to inform the public that a criminal has been captured. He wanted to excite the people that were reading the story and let them know that good guys win and bad guys lose. He also wanted to remind people about the crime that was committed four years prior. Don’t get me wrong, what happened to this man who was shot and killed, was horrible. But that was a while ago and Mitchell wanted to write a good story about a murder investigation. I myself found it fairly interesting that this man who killed somebody evaded authorities for four years.

It also seems that the author was trying to portray that the authorities didn’t quite know what they were up against and under estimated the challenge. As an example, Mitchell pointed out that the marshals didn’t really know where the fugitive’s Mom was living.


Lena R 2012 said...

You did really well. You made good eye contact and i think that you made some good points. Nice job!

ruthl2012 said...

I liked how PLN 6 and 7 had the same topic and you spoke about both. Great question at the end! Your a cool cat!

colleenO2011 said...

Good job being prepared with note cards but your eye contact was pretty good, but you talked really fast, I read your plns and they have great detail:)

AaronS2012 said...

Good job speaking and presenting. I would hire groups of detectives and other specialists to find the killers.

briannab2012 said...

You did great. Those stories are so sad. I agree that violence is not a good thing. You had really good eye contact and spoke clear. That question was good and it related to the story really well.

Chaseo2012 said...

Hey Jake- I think you did a good job. You did a good job staying on topic and connecting with the audience. I like your topic and I think we should do more to keep crime off the streets. You did a good job fa sho!

NickK2012 said...

Jake- I think that your presentation gave a lot of information. Try to talk to more to the audience, and not as much just to the teacher. Overall, it sounded like you put time and effort into not just your presentation, but to your PLNs too. Fantastic!

anthonyf2012 said...

Jake- Good job. I think you should have focused one just one PLN instead of 2. It was kind of hard to focus. Overall you did a good job and you didn't look nervous at all.

mitchell2012 said...

Jake- you had a great topic and spoke and imformed the class very well about your topic. There is really no way you can stop violence, because people will always have disagrements or when times get tough people do stupid things.

KalvinP2012 said...

I think you did a great job and I agree with you that sensless violence is horrible. I also liked your question and to stop violence I would make the punishments for murder to the extreme.

EthanR2012 said...

Jakey- You're a beast. I thought your presentation was quite interesting. To answer your question I think that people are sometimes afraid to stand up to crime and violence. But I think that we should up our police forces so we can crack down on crimes. Great job....WHITE JESUS.

ElizabethE2012 said...

Jake good job! Although I have a few suggestions, making eye contact and not saying um and then a lot might help. And a response to your question is not letting people getting a hold of guns and take action when you can.

FinlayB said...

Jake- You did a good job telling what your article was about and you had a good question at the end.

EmilyK2012 said...

good job you presented it very well. you had everything together, and didn't fidgit. good job

tannerc2012 said...

You're topic was awesome! You explained what happens to some criminals and why others get away with it. To stop crime, people should take more responsibility and they should think about what they're doing to the people. Nice job!

OliviaB2012 said...

To stop crime and violence I would take more precautions and stay on guard. Crime and violence will never be fully stopped, but there are ways to try and prevent it.

Anonymous said...

Nice Question! i think that the way the conversation went is good

BRETTG2012 said...

You presented very well. I liked your term, sensless violence. It was a very good topic because in Denver every day crime is going up.

calebw2012 said...

Jake, good job with your presentation. I think we as a community need to do more to decrease the crime rate. There are not many things you can do because you can't always tell when somthing is out of the ordanairy. Good job with the presentation.

Angel L 2012 said...

I thought that you started off well, and you really explained the topic great. I thought that since you did your presentation on two of your PLNs, it was cool to see that someone presented differently than everyone els. Regarding your Question about how to stop crime, I think that we could all be aware of the dangers around us, and that can help a little. It was really a good presentation.

NateL2012 said...

Jake- Good job! you did a very good job It seemed like you practiced! (even though know you didnt)good job Jake i liked your question! and it was interesting for me to find an answer

breannas2012 said...

You look really prepared to give us your presentation. You also did a good job with your eye contact. Good job on talking about two of your PLN’s. To lower the crime rate I would give more severe punishments so that people would be afraid to break the law. I also agree with Mrs. Smith, that people should be more educated. Great Job!

paiges2012 said...

I really liked your presentation. The way you opened your presentation was very creative and made the rest of your presentation very interesting. Your question drew to my attention because there is a lot me can do to minimize the risk and rate of crime. Keep it up!